Class Files
HWRS518_2022- Chapter 04-stochasticrepres 2022.pptx
- Chapter 3 unsat part 1 2022.pptx
- Chapter 3 usnat part 2 2022.pptx
- The latest X64 version of VSAFT2: Download
- The runtime package to the latest version of VSAFT2: Download
- VSAFT2 River Edition User Manual: Download
- Setup20230627.msi(34906KB): Download
- Add river simulation function.
- Add Monte-Carlo simulation.
- Update the random field generator.
- Modify the hard data input/edit interface.
- Enable material import button when doing inverse.
- Fix some other small problems.
- New x64 version VSAFT2, manual, and examples (VSAFT2, manual, and examples) (2019.10.17) (Require Microsoft .NET framework 4.6.1 or higher).
- VSAFT2 (Variably Saturated Flow and Transport utilizing the Modified Method of Characteristics, in 2D) is a Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) for setting up, running and calibrating a variably saturated flow and transport finite element model (Yeh, et al., 1993) in 2 dimensions (either map view, cross-section or axis-symmetric flow). Model output is prepared for plotting in Tecplot (obtained independently), which allows easy and powerful visualization of results (including animations). VSAFT2 now includes several geostatistical model setup features, including random field generation of input parameters.
A help file to aid setting up and calibrating a basic two-dimensional flow model in VSAFT2 now available as an Adobe PDF (84k).
- A set of ten example scenarios taken from (Yeh, et al., 1993) are available for demonstrating 1D and 2D saturated and unsaturated flow and transport with VSAFT2 (a 5MB zip file). When choosing a directory to unzip the examples into, remember that VSAFT2 cannot work from directories which contain spaces in them (i.e. "My Documents"). When opening these examples, simply point the open dialog from the file menu to the directory that contains the desired scenario (not any particular file in the directory).
- Download VSAFT2 (2013 version). This version is a 5 MB zip file with an improved user interface and a more streamlined design.
- This program requires the Microsoft .NET framework to run. Download the framework from the Microsoft website. The .NET framework is not installed as part of Windows by default, and it requires Windows 2000 or greater to run.