T.-C. “Jim” Yeh

A photograph of Dr. Yeh Professor
Hydrology and Water Resources
The University of Arizona


New Textbook--Flow Through Heterogeneous Geologic Media 

This textbook integrates classic principles of flow through porous media with recently developed stochastic analyses to provide new insight on subsurface hydrology. Importantly, each of the authors has extensive experience in both academia and the world of applied groundwater hydrology. The book not only presents theories but also emphasizes their underlying assumptions, limitations, and the potential pitfalls that may occur as a result of blind application of the theories as 'cookie-cutter' solutions. The book has been developed for advanced-level courses on groundwater fluid flow, hydraulics, and hydrogeology, in either civil/environmental engineering or geoscience departments. It is also a valuable reference text for researchers and professionals in civil/environmental engineering, geology, soil science, environmental science, and petroleum and mining engineering.



Ph. D., New Mexico Institue of Mining and Technology, 1983


Contact Information

Phone: (520) 621-5943

Email: yeh@hwr.arizona.edu


Faculty Introduction

Dr. Jim Yeh's research interests flow and contaminant transport in vadose zones and aquifers. His work includes numerical, stochastic/geostatistical, field and laboratory analysis of effects of spatial variability on flow and contaminant migration in the subsurface; development of rapid methods for characterizing transport properties of multi-phase flow; development of cost-effective imaging tools for characterizing geological media and monitoring evolutions of water, oil, and contaminants in the subsurface using hydro/geophysical techniques. Dr. Yeh is one of the associate editors for Water Resources Research. Dr. Yeh's philosophy about geohydrology can be found in "Scale Issues of Heterogeneity in Vadose-Zone Hydrology" in Chapter 8 of the book "Scale Dependence and Scale Invariance in Hydrology" edited by Garrison Sposito, Cambridge, 1998.


A desk gift to Dr. Yeh